Claim-the-date! The 9th National NRM Knowledge Conference will be held in Cairns in September this year. Co-hosted by North Queensland regional NRMs (Cape York Natural Resource Management, Gulf Savannah NRM, Terrain NRM, NQ Dry Tropics NRM & NRM Regions Queensland) and running from the 8-12th in and around Cairns, our sector's conference is for anyone working, participating or interested in natural resource management - to share, learn and inspire.

This year’s conference theme 'Changing Landscapes and New Horizons' reflects both the challenges we face in caring for our changing environment, and the profound impact that integrated landscape management can have in restoring Australia’s unique natural places. It will also explore the innovation and ingenuity that the sector is embracing as we move to tackle the wicked problems of our times.

Along with keynotes, panels and participatory workshops on 9 and 10th September at the Cairns Convention Centre, there will be a welcome reception Monday evening, conference dinner Tuesday, and thought-provoking field trips on Country on Thursday and Friday.

Held by the regional NRM sector every 2 to 3 years, it is a rare and welcome opportunity to share our successes and challenges face-to-face, and to celebrate and cement friendships and connections with colleagues.

Please put the dates in your calendars today – and stay tuned for more information on how to register and participate in the conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Cairns!