About Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (Now Melbourne Water)

The Port Phillip and Westernport CMA (PPWCMA) is one of ten regional Catchment Management Authorities. It was established in 2002 as the peak natural resource management body in the Port Phillip and Western Port region to develop and oversee the implementation of the Regional Catchment Strategy.

The PPWCMA provides leadership to a range of stakeholder groups and works to deliver integrated catchment management and sustainability of the region’s catchment assets by building cooperation, coordination and partnerships amongst these groups.

PPWCMA stakeholders are varied and include businesses, government agencies, strategy partners, landholders and individuals interested in improving the environment, community and landcare groups and local government organisations.

The region

The Port Phillip and Western Port region is Victoria’s most diverse and complex by virtue of its location, geography and demography. It encompasses the densely populated urban Melbourne, sprawling outer city suburbs, growth centres on the urban fringe and rich rural land and natural parklands.

The region’s rural land possesses great economic value, contributes around $1billion to Victoria’s economy every year. Protecting both its monetary and biodiversity value is an important role of organisations such as the Port Phillip and Westernport CMA.

Visit their website.