Australia has 54 regional natural resource management (NRM) organisations. They are a mix of government agencies and non-government organisations (NGOs) that get national priorities for natural resource management delivered on the ground.
Regional NRM plans and delivers programs that support healthy and productive country, viable communities and sustainable industries. Regional NRM organisations work from the paddock to the regional scale to address issues that require a landscape perspective. Our approach enables community and landcare activity to better address long term strategic issues of national importance.
The 54 NRM regional organisations cover Australia's land, estuarine and coastal areas. Many of these organisations have been in existence since the mid-1990s. While they have different constitutions (some are established by State Governments others through relevant Community Associations legislation and one, Ocean Watch, by the seafood industry) they have all been recognised as regional NRM organisations by the Federal Government as part of the Natural Heritage Trust and its successor programs including the National Landcare Programme.
All regional NRM organisations are governed by Boards of directors that represent their regional community’s NRM perspectives and priorities. Boards are appointed by State/Territory governments in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, and elected or appointed by the community/stakeholders in Western Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, the Northern Territory and Ocean Watch. The ACT government is the regional NRM organisation for that Territory and has appointed an advisory committee to assist the department.
Click on the map below to find out more about your regional NRM organisation.