Pests incorporate a broad range of exotic and endemic vertebrates and invertebrates, in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. 

Vertebrate pests, including cats, deer, camels and pigs cause significant physical damage to cultural assets, farmlands and native plants and animals. 

Invertebrate pests include insects such as the parasitic Varroa mite that affect introduced European and Asian honey bees, impacting on apiculture and agriculture through reduced honey production and pollination.

Aquatic pests include species such as freshwater carp and ascidians that degrade habitats and smoother endemic marine ecosystems respectively. 

Endemic invertebrate pests include species such as Q-Fly where they’ve been introduced to jurisdictions beyond their normal home-range. 

The mobility and cryptic nature of pests makes their surveillance and control more difficult that many other biosecurity threats, and accordingly a significant concerted effort is required for their effective management.

Pest Publications

Automated Detection: Triggering Smarter, Faster, Better Response to Incursions

Final project report on developing and demonstrating a remote acoustic surveillance, detection and reporting solution.

Hills and Fleurieu Regional Pest Plant and Animal Strategy

High level guidance on how to prioritise pest plant and animal management in the Hills and Fleurieu region.

Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice

A framework for Australian beekeepers to use best-practice biosecurity measures.

Bee Pest Blitz

During annual BeePest Blitz month, all beekeepers are encouraged to inspect their hives and perform alcohol washes.

Exotic Pest Identification and Surveillance Guide for Tropical Horticulture

How to undertake pest surveillance, on-farm biosecurity and identification of key exotic pests.

Increasing Knowledge to Mitigate Cat Impacts on Biodiversity

Outlines the research framework to enhance the conservation of native species in Western Australia through improved management of cats.

National Forest Pest Surveillance Collaboration Agreement

The Agreement between Commonwealth and state governments, industry and non-government organisations describes the program's desired outcomes and operational and financial arrangements.

National Fruit Fly Strategy 2020-2025

National framework for governments, industry and research funders to advance fruit fly management in Australia

Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Cucurbits; A Field Identification Guide

A comprehensive pocket sized guide containing both endemic and exotic pests, diseases and disorders affecting melons and other cucurbits including high priority exotic pests.

Queensland feral deer management strategy 2022-27

Aims to effectively manage feral deer to prevent introductions, reduce impacts and limit the distribution of feral deer in Queensland.

Threat Abatement Plan: Unmanaged Goats

Focus' on minimising the impacts of not actively managed goats wherever they affect biodiversity.

Threat Abatement Plan: Rabbits

A national framework to guide and coordinate Australia's response to the impacts of rabbits on biodiversity.

Threat Abatement Plan: European red fox

Focus' on minimising the impact of foxes on biodiversity in Australia.

Threat abatement plan: Feral Cats

Focus' on minimising the impact of feral cats on biodiversity in Australia.

Threat abatement plan: Feral pigs (Sus scrofa)

Focus' on prevention of further species and ecological communities from becoming threatened or extinct due to feral pigs.

Threat abatement plan: Biological effects, including lethal toxic ingestion, caused by cane toads

Focus' on the biological effects, including lethal toxic ingestion, caused by cane toads and the reduction of the impacts of cane toads on native animals and ecosystems.

Threat abatement plan: Impacts of exotic rodents on biodiversity on Australian offshore islands of less than 100 000 hectares

A framework document that sets out the research, management and other actions necessary to abate exotic rodents on islands.

Understanding Biosecurity – Pests

Hub webinar #3; Dingoes as a landscape process

NRM Regions Australia, 2024

Looking at how dingoes influence ecological processes within landscapes, and the implications of this for management by regional NRM organisations.

Hub webinar #2; Working Smarter - using technology in biosecurity

NRM Regions Australia, 2024

Four experts presenting innovative technology both being used and in development for the identification and control of pests and weeds from experts in the field and CSIRO’s Catalysing Australia’s Biosecurity Initiative scientists.

Hub Webinar #1; Biosecurity & Bees - supporting pollination security in our Regions

NRM Regions Australia, 2024

Three pollinator experts bringing the latest information on pollinator biosecurity, practical advice and relevant tech.

Controlling cane toads

Local Land Services, New South Wales, 2024

Select a control option that best suits you and your property for managing cane toads.

National Transition to Management for Varroa Mite

Australian Honey Bee Industry Council, April 2024

Presentations by NSW DPI and AHBIC about the work being done under the National Transition to Management for Varroa

Neighbours join forces to reduce feral pigs and disease risk

Local Land Services, New South Wales, 2024

Barraba farmer, Liam Johnston shares how joining his neighbours in a control group for coordinated baiting has dramatically reduced feral pig numbers.

Red Imported Fire Ant Identification

Biosecurity Queensland, 2023

National Fire Ant Eradication Program explainer video on identifying Red Imported Fire Ants.

Presented by Biosecurity experts - Pests

Biosecurity Queensland’s Biosecurity YouTube channel

Biosecurity Queensland works in partnership with industry, local and state government and the community to lead and promote a biosecurity system that protects Queensland’s economy, environment, lifestyle and human health.

Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – Environmental Biosecurity Webinars

Managing Pests and Diseases - WA’s Biosecurity YouTube playlist

DAFWA's videos related to managing a range of pests and diseases.

NRM Regions Australia’s YouTube Biosecurity playlist

NRM Regions Australia's Biosecurity YouTube playlist featuring videos from Biosecurity CoP mtgs, webinars and external content.

Biosecurity Services - Pests

Report a Biosecurity Concern

Use this page to Report a concern about pests or diseases: - in goods, containers and parcels arriving in Australia - on or around your property.


Information on outbreaks of exotic plant and animal pests and diseases in Australia including responses to current outbreaks and advice to prepare and respond to outbreaks.

Atlas of Living Australia

The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a collaborative, digital, open infrastructure that pulls together Australian biodiversity data from multiple sources.

Biosecurity Commons

Biosecurity Commons delivers a cloud-based decision-support platform for modelling and analysing biosecurity risk and response.

Farm Biosecurity Hub

The Farm Biosecurity Hub holds information to help producers understand disease, pest and weed risks, what they can do to reduce those risks, and how to go about it.

Fruit Fly ID Australia

Information to assist in the accurate identification of fruit fly species in Australia and potential invasive species.

Biosecurity System - Pest Stakeholder Resources

Dingo Culture

Grassroots cultural conservation interest that provides the Aboriginal perspective to the dingo debate in Australia.

Agrifutures Australia

Research publications, reports, fact sheets, podcasts and more can be found here on our AgriFutures Australia Knowledge Hub.

Animal Health Australia

Animal Health Australia's Resource Hub contains a range of animal health and biosecurity resources.

Australian Honey Bee Industry Council

The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council holds honeybee biosecurity and beekeeping resources.


BeeAware is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity with information about exotic and established pests and diseases of honey bees.

Centre for Invasive Species Solutions

CISS research projects that address the impact of invasive species across Australia are ordered by category and theme.

Melons Austalia

Representing the biosecurity interests of melon producers and the industry, Melons Australia provides resources to support this.

National Fruit Fly Council

Resources for gardeners and producers to identify, manage and report fruit flies.

Plant Health Australia

Plant Health Australia's Resource Centre is a collection of plant biosecurity publications, reports, fact sheets and more.

Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (Soil Wealth ICP) project

These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to problem solve.

Western Australian Feral Cat Working Group

A resource rich website focused on effective, resource-efficient and humane feral cat management outcomes in Western Australia.

Wildlife Health Australia

The Resource Centre holds a range of wildlife biosecurity guidelines, disease management and response guidelines and risk assessments.

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