Rangelands NRM to provide services to RLP program

Rangelands NRM is one of 47 organisations that has been selected to deliver the $450 million Regional Land Partnerships program over the next five years.

This is the important second phase of the Coalition Government’s $1 billion National Landcare Program.

Rangelands NRM will initially focus on five projects each of one-year duration:

  • Communities protecting the values of West Kimberley Ramsar Sites
  • Finding common ground to protect Ningaloo Coast and Shark Bay World Heritage Areas
  • Reducing Risks to Bilby Habitat across the WA Northern Rangelands
  • Reducing Risks to Malleefowl Habitat across the WA Southern Rangelands
  • Creating a Community of Practice to manage for climate change across the WA rangelands

Community engagement is a key theme of the Regional Land Partnerships Program, with at least 20 per cent of project budgets supporting small, on-ground projects that are delivered by, or directly engage with the local landcare community.

“We will be working with our partners in the region to monitor threatened species including the Bilby and Malleefowl and protect their habitats from fire, ferals and weeds,” Rangelands CEO Debra Tarabini-East said.

“We’ll also be working closely with pastoralists and other land managers to enable them to undertake sustainable agricultural practice.”

This article originally featured on the Rangelands NRM site on 20 December 2018