Contribute to the PestSmart survey
If you don’t already know about it, we recommend checking out PestSmart Connect which distils 12 years of research on best practice pest animal management. PestSmart prides itself on making freely available pest animal information toolkits which incorporate factsheets, case studies, glovebox guides, videos and more - all available online – Information is available on wild dogs, rabbits, foxes, feral pigs…the list goes on. The toolkits are becoming well known and utilised as a digital resource for land managers wanting to learn more about pest animal management.
This is your chance to enhance PestSmart and help the team tailor the update of the website to suit your needs.
The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions are conducting research into digital information and tools that might be useful for people with a role or interest in pest animal management. They want to hear from both users and non-users of PestSmart – so please take a few minutes to complete this short anonymous survey, open until the 10 March.