About South East Local Land Services

South East Local Land Services (LLS) work with land managers and the community to improve primary production within healthy landscapes. They help people make better decisions about the land they manage and assist rural and regional communities to be profitable and sustainable into the future.

South East LLS connect people with groups, information, support and funding to improve agricultural productivity and better manage our natural resources.

The region

The South East LLS region covers 55,600 kilometres of south-east NSW—from Stanwell Park in the north to the Victorian border in the south, and westward from Boorowa in the north to Thredbo in the South.

Agriculturally, the region is highly diverse and supports a variety of landuses including sheep, beef, dairy, cropping and horticulture.

Nature based tourism is a significant contributor to the region's economy, especially on the coast and in the Snowy mountains.

South East LLS encourages sustainable production and environmental stewardship.

Visit their website.