Innovation and collaboration

NRM is based on partnerships and dynamic collaborations that give life to innovation.

With over 100,000 people engaged and more than 35 years’ experience in land management, the 56 NRM regional organisations are built on collaboration and partnerships, and are uniquely placed to respond to opportunities and create innovations across Australia. It’s our collaborations and partnerships at the regional level that underpin our capacity to develop and share skills and knowledge and to innovate, resulting in a robust, strong and united approach to regional growth and land management Australia-wide.

Photo: djpmapleferryman,

Better carbon trading outcomes for farmers and government

NRM regional organisations’ support of the Australian Government’s Emission Reductions Fund is helping to boost farmer engagement and profitability, generate co- benefits, and reduce the negative impact and risk of non-delivery of emission-reduction projects.  

Biological control innovations to manage weeds and pest animals

Grazier users of the NRM Spatial Hub say it can measurably improve their properties’ productivity, profitability and sustainability.

Big data helps graziers to manage rangeland areas

The NRM Spatial Hub is a web-based tool that helps rangeland graziers decide how to optimise their grazing land management by bringing together map, satellite and grazier knowledge. It is a great example of how the regional NRM network works with partners to leverage funding and deliver results for land managers.